Behind the Scenes
In 2007 experienced Osteopath Natasha Peachey took over the running of the Cranial Practice Group Scotland (now Osteopathic Studies Scotland), trialing study group sessions and gradually expanding and running postgraduate courses in Scotland. The first longer term course was Jim Jealous' Biodynamics International Programme phases 1-7, and since then she has run regular courses with experienced practitioners and lecturers in various venues throughout Scotland. This has enabled Scottish (and UK and international Osteopaths) access to some excellent Osteopathic CPD. This is something she will continue to do, and aims to cover a range of topics with the courses she runs.

Previous Courses
Christian Sullivan - Biodynamic phases 1-7
Giles Cleghorn - presented the 4 stages of his Paediatric Osteopathic Studies course over 4 consecutive years
Mary Bolingbroke and Ian Wright - have trialled courses and regularly lectured with us since our inception on topics such as the Teenage Brain and Gut Biomes
Michael Harris and Annie Greenacre - presented their extensive work on finding the Health within Trauma
Renzo Molinari - brought up one of his modules usually taught in London
Richard Twining - presented a very clinically relevant course on Neural Manipulation with easy-to-use techniques; he also presented a course on Fluids - covering Osteopathic Concepts, Management and Dysfunction and Treatment Approaches and Techniques
Robyn Seamer and Manuela da Rin - whilst visiting from Australia presented an excellent Phase 1-4 revision course
Stuart Korth - has lectured with us twice and has supervised a children’s clinic session
Tim Marris - has facilitated a Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy Module 1 and other one day courses
Michael J. Shea - this course was a collaboration with Cranial Sacral Therapists and Michael presented an insight into Sutherland's Cosmology: The Breath of Life and the Metabolic Client
Richard Twining - highly practical weekend exploring the importance of the concepts, main restriction points, and the effectiveness of fluid based approaches and techniques
Robyn Seamer and Manuela da Rin - presented the exceptional course on 'The Perceptal Journey - Where is the Power for Change?